HOT Poster Swimming And into the ocean I go to lose my mind

5 min readMar 16, 2021


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The city is divided into two zones. The first and low stretches are comprised of important buildings while the second, smaller zone is dominated by tall, elegantly designed buildings. City walls surround both areas. From the outside, the five gates can be seen clearly: two large gates leading the way into the city: one north and one east, the other three being next to a canal that flows south into the city. On the other side of Aroughs was a ripple, where the canal came from. POSTER SWIMMING AND INTO THE OCEAN I GO TO LOSE MY MIND. At least they don’t have trenches, he thought. The holes on the north gate are traces of war. There were also traces of battle on the ground. He recognized three bullet marks from the catapult and four from the stone crane thanks to when he was with the Dragon Wing, the two towers were ragged behind the walls. Several soldiers were squatting by the war machines smoking cigarettes or playing dice on several boards. Machines seem pitifully small compared to this vast city. The city of Aroughs is low, flat, and gently slopes into the sea.

Poster Swimming And into the ocean I go to lose my mind

Hundreds of farms dotted on green plains, marked by wooden fences and at least one thatched hut. Luxurious mansions are located here and there: stone manors protected by high walls and guardians. They were certainly the property of the Aroughs nobility and possibly the wealthy merchants. What do you think? He asked Carn. The mage shook his head, his chubby eyes looking sadder than usual. We will lose a lot of soldiers to conquer. Sure, Brigman commented as he approached them. Roran does not speak out of his comments, he does not want others to know that he is extremely frustrated. Nasuada is mad to believe that we can take Aroughs with just eight hundred soldiers. If I had eight thousand troops, with the support of Eragon and Saphira, it might have been. But over here. But he knew he had to find a way, for Katrina’s future. Roran didn’t look at Brigman and said. Tell me about Aroghs. Brigman spun the spear several times, the spear body spun a few holes in the ground, then spoke.

Galbatorix calculated it beforehand; He has stockpiled food in the city before we cut aid lines from here with the Court. You can see that they have no shortage of water. If we stop the river, they have a few streams and wells in the city. They can keep the city until the season, even longer, though I doubt they can’t help but get sick from eating the radish all the time. In addition, Galbatorix also sent a large number of soldiers here twice the number of our troops to supplement the soldiers in the city. Insider. But he had no knowledge of tactics and had provided too many subjective assessments of Aroughs’ weaknesses. POSTER SWIMMING AND INTO THE OCEAN I GO TO LOSE MY MIND. He also confirmed that he would help send a small amount of our troops into the castle at night. We waited but he did not show up and we saw him being humiliated the next morning. Still hanging at that east gate. Therefore, it is. Are there any other ports besides these five? There are three more ports. Near the harbor there was a port large enough to accommodate three incoming currents at the same time, and nearby a port on land for humans and horses. There was also an inland gate at the other end he pointed to the west side of the city like the other gates. Can any gate be bombarded. Not fast. The coast was so narrow that we could not arrange troops or avoid the names and rocks of the army in the city. So we cannot attack the ports near the sea nor the west gate.

Review Poster Swimming And into the ocean I go to lose my mind

The land around the city was divided because the rivers and streams were too many, so it was quite narrow, so I decided to focus the attack on the nearest gate. There was a short silence that made Roran feel his contempt for him grow. Then the man continued, Halstead had his own submissive mage: a mean, yellow-skinned man we had the chance to see on the wall trying to knock us down with magic. He doesn’t seem very good at anything for oranges, except that he burned the two of them I arranged to break the gate with wood. Roran glanced at Carn the mage more worried than before but decided to discuss the matter with each other later. Is success through the channel easier? he asked. So where will we stand? The city is close to the channel. Besides passing that way is any other way to get their heads killed, they can pour hot oil, throw stones, or fire rockets at whatever idiots pass that way. The gate cannot be sealed, there must be a way for the water to circulate. It’s correct. Below is a row of wooden and iron trellis so that the flow is not too strong.

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